
Showing posts from October, 2017

Life give it a shot

I was walking down a beach,seating beside a beach was sun kissed. Than I observed people around.They where so happy,excited about almost every ride,than a thought in my mind, why are they not so happy in their own couch. That made me think,what life actually is,so giving it a 2nd thought,I started my own journey to define a life. To kickoff life remix,life is really uncertain ,unpredictable&unrealistic. Life is what you give and what you get,there is nothing such as miracle.Life is to enjoy each second of your life,worry a lot but never fade away from it.Its all about lots of hash tags. Its all about creating memories,forgiving people and love everybody from core& be the mirror image of yourself to everybody. Advice people but before that judge on yourself by 2 conditions i.e what is your intention behind it,is it to insult or to make him down or to really improve the person. I hope next time before advising or giving your opinion remember this condition